Bisexual woman (just like myself) are known very well for being sexualized. I won't say more or less than anyone else because I think everyone's experiences will tell a different story; but the over sexualization I see all the time with bisexual woman is insane. This isn't a post to bash men because quite honestly it isn't just men who do this. Bisexual woman are approached and put in uncomfortable positions by both other men and women all the time. Bi women are stereotyped to be very sexual people to begin with, thus we MUST want to have sex with everyone we lay eyes on…no. This stereotype is ridiculous to me; I have even been accused of cheating solely on the basis that I am bi. I want to hear other peoples experiences with this. Not only if you are bi but if you have caught someone else stereotyping or sexualizing bi woman or if you have caught yourself doing the same thing. If you know of or have experienced this in a situation, but not as a woman, I want to hear from you too! I don't have an experience that isn't as a woman, and so I don't know too much about that aspect but would really love to learn. I admit that before I came out I definitely believed negative stereotypes around bi woman, but since then I have both experienced this myself and seen it happen to woman I love and care for. Change is good, ignorance is not. Comment and tell me your perspective on this!!
- Bailey Wilson (Co-Founder)
I think it’s so important that this is talked about more, especially outside the bisexual community. And not even just the topic of the over sexualization of bisexual identifying people, but just the stigma in general. One thing I noticed a lot growing up was that even when people considered being gay or lesbian as okay, bisexuality wasn‘t really even considered a real thing, it was just teenage girls wanting more attention from the boys (which actually now that I’m writing this out I’m realizing that this isn’t a seperate issue because the attention seeking perspective on bisexuality is rooted in it’s over sexualization). I’m glad this is a conversation being had and even though a lot of stigma remains…
Omg Bailey I couldn’t agree more. As soon as my friends (def not ALL just a few) found out I was bisexual they immediately jumped to the conclusion that I want to have a threesome. Why is that? Just because I am attracted to men and women doesn’t mean at the same time! And I think that applies to what you said too about cheating. Monogamy has nothing to do with sexual attraction! Normalize bisexual women being just as picky about their partners as anyone else (because we are!)
Thank you for this post Bailey! It’s so important to bring attention to this issue within the community. As a bisexual woman myself, I have also experienced issues with this throughout my life. Unfortunately it seems that many of us are familiar with the sexualization and objectification that is shown towards our community. One theme that arises that constantly bothers me is the objectification of bisexual people. On countless occasions I’ve been asked to join threesomes with straight couples. Not only does this make me uncomfortable, but it diminishes me as a person. The idea that all bisexual people are readily available for threesomes is damaging. Having an attraction towards both men and women does not open my body up to anyone…
So important to bring attention to! Sexualizing is not the same thing as accepting ones sexuality✊🏻